Gergely Turi

During my PhD I worked with Prof. Zsolt Liposits in the Institute of Experimental Medicine where I studied neuroendocrinology and neuroanatomy. Then I worked with Dr. Balázs Rózsa as a junior postdoc for two years and I received training in hippocampal slice physiology and single cell calcium recordings. While working with Balázs, I also developed 3D two-photon imaging applications with Femtonics. In 2010, I moved to the US and started a second postdoc with Prof. Attila Losonczy at Columbia University. In Attila's lab I worked on projects aiming to understand the role of hippocampal interneurons in the regulation of dendritic integration. First, I conducted classical single cell electrophysiological experiments combined with one- and two-color glutamate uncaging then I learned and developed in vivo two-photon imaging techniques to study how hippocampal neurons encode spatial information. In 2016, I joined Prof. Rene Hen's division in the New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia Psychiatry where I've been working ever since. My focus of interest is exploring the neurobiological mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression at the level of networks, single cells and subcellular domains.

Selected publications

  1. Open-Source Virtual Reality System for the Measurement of Spatial Learning in Head-Restrained Mice.
    Clay Lacefield, Hongtao Cai, Huong Ho, Carla Dias, Hannah Chung, René Hen, Gergely F. Turi. Accepted for Publication in Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE).
    JoVE. 2023
  2. Parallel processing of sensory cue and spatial information in the dentate gyrus.
    Sebnem N Tuncdemir, Andres D Grosmark, Gergely F Turi, Amei Shank, John C Bowler, Gokhan Ordek, Attila Losonczy, Rene Hen, Clay O Lacefield
    Cell Rep. 2022
  3. Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide-Expressing Interneurons in the Hippocampus Support Goal-Oriented Spatial Learning.
    Turi GF*, Li WK*, Chavlis S, Pandi I, O'Hare J, Priestley JB, Grosmark AD, Liao Z, Ladow M, Zhang JF, Zemelman BV, Poirazi P,Losonczy A.
    Neuron. 2019.
  4. In Vivo Imaging of Dentate Gyrus Mossy Cells in Behaving Mice.
    Danielson NB*, Turi GF*, Ladow M, Chavlis S, Petrantonakis PC, Poirazi P, Losonczy A.
    Neuron. 2017.
  5. Dendritic spikes induce ripples in parvalbumin interneurons during hippocampal sharp waves.
    Chiovini B*, Turi GF*, Katona G, Kaszás A, Pálfi D, Maák P, Szalay G, Szabó MF, Szabó G, Szadai Z, Káli S, Rózsa B.
    Neuron. 2014.

Full list of publictions

Publications list

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New York, NY 10032
T: 646-774-5027

email to: Gergely